We are confident that we can outperform the market with our strategies and tools

The birth of the FI Group

In view of their common activities, Mr Vito Micoli and Mr Mirco Patera decided to combine their services in a joint company. The FI Group was born.

12 September 2013:
Foundation of FI Advisory AG in Zug, Switzerland

In this company, Mr Vito Micoli and Mr Mirco Patera operated in the financial and management consultancy sector. In order to expand these activities and open up other areas, they decided to found a new company that fulfils the relevant requirements, promotes growth and enables the implementation of other lucrative areas.

19 July 2019:
Foundation of FiducInvest Holding Pte.
Ltd. Singapore, Singapore

Singapore was chosen as the company’s headquarters for various reasons:
  • It is very strictly and optimally regulated in the financial sector, making it globally recognised in this area
  • It is a very stable country – dealing with the authorities is unbureaucratic and very accommodating for businesses
  • Singapore is the gateway to the “Asia-Pacific region” and is very attractive for investors and investments
  • The people are very well trained, friendly, hard-working and helpful, which is very important when it comes to recruiting local staff
  • Last but not least, its tax policy is very business-friendly

January 2020 to February 2020:

We travelled to Singapore to establish our domicile and recruit our partners, namely Experian Credit Services Pte. Ltd., which supports us with local consulting and compliance, DP SME Advisory Pte. Ltd., which is responsible for accounting in accordance with IFRS and taxes, Fiducia LLP as the Group’s auditor, as well as our secretary Mrs Quek Jin Kuang and local director Mr Tham Li Feng. In addition to their activities as shareholders, Mr Vito Micoli and Mr Mirco Patera are also managing directors.

March 2020 to May 2020:

The Covid-19 pandemic put the world in a state of emergency. Travelling and personal interaction, which were important to us during this phase, were severely restricted, which had a negative impact on our activities. We used this time to work on our structure, look for partners and expand our network for the exciting time ahead. We concluded contracts, set up partnerships and extended and tested our software.

June 2020 to September 2020:

With the first financial year behind us the first annual financial statements were prepared and the first audit completed. Predictably, this resulted in a loss due to the costs of operations, as no income was to be expected as a start-up.

October 2020 to March 2020:

We launched a long-term test over a period of 24 months with our forex software, in parallel with a long-term test over a period of 24 months with another software package in the area of crypto. The returns achieved were very promising and the stress tests returned a positive result.

May 2021:

We launched a new project, setting up a small “mining farm” for the crypto coin Ethereum ETH. Our aim was to determine whether this could be a viable business area. Initially, the earnings were good and we were able to achieve an annualised return of 69% p.a. However, due to high energy costs, the system change in the mining of Ethereum ETH and not least due to concerns about the impact on the environment, we decided to wind this project up.

June 2021:

After the end of the second financial year the second annual financial statements were prepared and the second audit was completed. Once again we incurred a loss resulting from the costs of operations. As a “start-up” this came as no surprise.

With Gamma Financials AG, Zug we began to design and develop our FI Alternative Value Fund as the first investment vehicle for qualified investors.

July 2021:

We founded FI Advisory GmbH Hamburg to establish a presence in Germany and thus in the EU. The job of FI Advisory GmbH, Hamburg is the same as that of FI Advisory AG, Zug, namely to ensure a presence of the FI Group in Switzerland and Germany as an EU country and thus to be locally present for customers, investors and partners.

August 2021 to September 2021:

This period saw the completion of our FI Alternative Value Fund and further development of the software. We monitored the long-term tests in forex and crypto trading.

October 2021:

We completed the long-term tests – the trading software proved itself to be effective. With a performance of 141% in 24 months / 70.5% p.a. in forex trading, and 214% in 24 months / 107% p.a. in crypto trading, we exceeded our expectations. Admittedly, since we were dealing with our own money, we tested extreme situations, set the stop loss very high and exhausted all possible scenarios. This gave us the certainty that we would achieve attractive returns in normal operations and comfortably achieve the target return of 7% p.a. to 15% p.a. in FI Alternative Value Fund. We were confident that with our strategies and instruments we would outperform the market.

November 2021 to March 2022:

We launched another exciting project in crypto trading. The aim was to maintain or increase the number of Bitcoins (BTC) in the wallet regardless of performance.

In November 2021 our FI Alternative Value Fund was licensed by the “FMA”, the Financial Market Authority in Liechtenstein.

We carefully tracked our Bitcoin (BTC) trade. The value of Bitcoin (BTC) fell dramatically in ten weeks from USD 64,800 in November 2021 to USD 43,182 in March 2021, with the price falling to less than USD 20,000 at times. Bitcoin (BTC) lost 33.36% of its value during this period. Our strategy of maintaining or increasing the number of units proved successful. The number of Bitcoins (BTC) in the wallet increased by 1.63% during this period. Our strategy “beat the market”.

April 2022 to December 2022:

Our marketing prospectus for FI Alternative Value Fund was finalised and sent to interested investors. In February 2022 Russia’s invasion of Ukraine changed the world. The markets were thrown into turmoil and investors were unsettled. 2022 was a difficult year for investors, funds, stock markets and stock exchanges. This was followed by dramatic falls in value, and investors were very cautious. Everything was “on hold”, with little interest in new investments. This and the preceding “Covid-19” pandemic did not make it any easier for us to launch “FI Alternative Value Fund”.

January 2023:

We continued to develop. In addition to the placement of FI Alternative Value Fund we further expanded our structures and transformed the FI Group into a FinTech and investment group. We were convinced that a combination of computer science, software development, blockchain technology, algorithms, artificial intelligence (“AI”), machine learning (“ML”) and smart market data collection, coupled with the development and launch of our own investment vehicles, was the right strategy to successfully lead the FI Group into the future.

March 2023 to May 2023:

We redesigned our website to give the public a deeper insight into our activities and were proud of the result. We welcome your feedback.

June 2023:

We launched the project FI CryptoEvolution and worked with our partners on the White Paper. A unique next-generation crypto and financial and investment ecosystem emerged.

September 2023:

With Mr Walter Schuster as Head of Marketing and Mr Lutz Schroeder as Head of Sales, Mr Philip Giuppini as Junior IT Developer and Mr Amedeo Cecconi as Junior IT Developer we expanded the FI Group.

October 2023:

With the foundation of FI Emissions GmbH in Germany, we launched the FI Investments project, which creates unique investment opportunities.

The FI Group appeared on 5 October 2023 with its own stand at the AssCompact Trend Day in Vienna and presented its products to a wide audience. The response was excellent.

The development of our Private Banking Investment Platform was progressing at full speed. It will be presented soon.

Stay tuned and visit us again soon!


FiducInvest Holding Pte. Ltd.
10 Marina Boulevard
Level 39, #39-00
Marina Bay Financial Centre
018983 Singapore

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Phone: +65 6725 6330
Fax: +65 6322 0808

© FI Group 2024 all rights reserved

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FiducInvest Holding Pte. Ltd.
10 Marina Boulevard
Level 39, #39-00
Marina Bay Financial Centre
018983 Singapore

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Phone: +65 6725 6330
Fax: +65 6322 0808

© 2024 FI Group all rights reserved